

Hi, I’m Britt.

I’m a woman trusting God + leaning into my gifts. I’m multi passionate, and I wanted a space for creating more of the things I love—so here we are. Whether it be home decorating and design, gardening, or an encouraging word… I’ll be inviting you into my life, in hopes that you are inspired to see + create beauty in your own life. Encouraging you to create a home where you can flourish.

Random facts about me: I love the color green. I have more than 20 house plants. I’m an enneagram 2 (although I scored really high on 4 as well). Being a mother has always been my dream job. I drink my coffee black. Good friends + deep conversation fill my soul. I love to share flowers + veggies from my garden. I am the daughter of a farmer + a small business owner. Our family has been fostering kids for 3+ years. We are a part of a church plant with friends who feel more like family. I love to meet with + encourage women.

I’d love to connect with you, leave a comment on the blog, or follow me on social media!

The righteous flourish like the palm tree
and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
They are planted in the house of the Lord;
flourish in the courts of our God.
They still bear fruit in old age;
they are ever full of sap and green… Psalm 92:12-14