cleaning schedule, for when you don't know where to start

Cleaning can be a hard topic in many homes…. who is responsible for it? how do I find the time for it with our busy life? why does it feel never-ending? Over the next week I am going to touch on scheduling, splitting the work, and getting kids involved.


There have been seasons where I have needed help cleaning— from accepting help from family, to paying someone to come in and deep clean. There is no right or wrong way to keep your house clean. Only you can decide what is best for your household, because only you know what is on your plate! For those of you who are in a season of cleaning your own home like I am, I wanted to give you some resources I created to help keep my house (and sanity) in order!

First, I wanted to share a cleaning schedule with you. Now, the word schedule should be held loosely, because honestly I just loosely follow it. I always do the ‘everyday’ category. But then I often get caught up in cleaning the things that beg my immediate attention! And most often in this house—thanks to 3 young boys— it is the bathroom. I won’t go into unnecessary detail on this… But I think you can guess the yellow puddles that need cleaned on too many things in that small room.

I use this schedule when I am in 1 or 2 different places with cleaning…. either I am totally on top of cleaning in my house and want to stay on top of it, OR (and most likely), I have lost all foreseeable control and need to take it one day at a time to get things back on track.

I know I’m often overwhelmed by all of the housework. That is why I love having a schedule ready to go when I need it. I always print it, and hang it on the fridge. That way it is easily available.


Also, who doesn’t love the feeling you get when the house is clean?! Many times when I get done cleaning a super messy room, I will come back just to look at it several times throughout the rest of the day! I just can’t help it. It makes me feel so good to see the transformation! And it’s probably because I know it won’t last long. If you want to use my schedule in your home too, go ahead! Click on the ‘download free cleaning schedule’ image, and then drag and drop the schedule to your desktop, or right-click to save.

Cleaning is hard enough to get on top of, so why not set your self up for success? Make it easier to get started! Make. A. Schedule. Or please use mine! I hope this is a helpful to you, and that it brings some peace to your home and your life.