wrapping gifts for kids

As a kid everything around Christmas time seems so magical….

Then as they tear through their Christmas presents they seem to lose their wonder for those of us who spent time and money on their gifts! (ha!!) This Christmas season as we have been talking to our kids about the real meaning of it all, giving to others in need, and doing our fun traditions— such as cookie decorating. I wanted to give them a reason for more pause this season as they open their gifts.

For each gift I intentionally used ribbon this year (something I’ve skipped for them in previous years). I bought ornaments or other fun items to add to the top, or a little house gift tag with their name written on it (thanks Target dollar spot). These little additions cause them to stop and take in each individual gift. And adds a little wonder and beauty to it all.


For all of my darling nieces I used pink and gold gift paper (TJ Maxx), star tinsel, and ornaments (both Target).


For my boys this year I used fun ribbons (Hobby Lobby), mini bottle brush trees (another thank you to Target dollar spot), and vintage ornaments. They must get this from their momma, but they are totally loving the vintage ornaments!


As you wrap your kids gifts this year, think about giving them a reason to pause. Beauty and wonder are two of my favorite gifts from God! Merry Christmas my friends!

Britt Wilson