green smoothie recipe

A year and a half ago I started seeing a functional medicine practitioner. One of the best changes I made for my health was my diet. No longer eating foods that I am sensitive to or that are inflammatory, as I try to heal my gut and regain optimal health. I am convinced that my habit of daily green smoothies has been a total game changer! Getting this good nutrition in first thing each day gives me energy, and keeps me full all morning.

This daily green smoothie has been so good for me—so I wanted to SHARE it with YOU!


Many people have seen me drinking these and have shook their heads in disgust…. but I assure you, after a week of drinking these you will start to crave them and the way they make you feel. (because that is what happened to me… and my husband now too!) If I start my day off any other way I can totally feel the difference…

So if you are struggling with instilling healthy habits, may I highly suggest you give these a go! I think you’ll be so glad you did!


Green Smoothie Recipe:

*good for a 32 oz cup*

1 1/4 cup nut milk (I prefer unsweetened cashew or almond)

1-2 Tablespoons of nut butter

2 cups of greens (kale & spinach are my go-to’s)

1-2 cups of berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, or black berries)

1 pinch of cilantro (cleanses toxins)

optional: 1 scoop of collagen powder (I like vital proteins)

For my morning smoothies I use a NutriBullet 900 series, and I love it! It also comes with lids for the cups, so they are easy to take on the go! I will link to this product and others at the bottom of the post, so you can see exactly what I use each morning.


If you try this green smoothie let me know what you think! See the ad links below for product info. Cheers to good health my friends!

Britt Wilson